Roman Anufriev

Roman Anufriev

CNRS researcher


I graduated from the Nanotechnology faculty of St. Petersburg Academic University and moved to France, where I did my Ph.D. on optics of semiconductor nanowires at INSA-Lyon. Since 2014, I have been working on thermal physics, first as a postdoc in Nomura group and later project associate professor at the University of Tokyo. Presently, I work as a CNRS researcher at CETHIL. My research is focused on phonon and heat transport in nanostructures. Specifically, I study ballistic thermal conduction in nanowires and phononic crystals for applications in thermoelectrics and microelectronics.



Ballistic heat

Investigation of ballistic conduction of phonons and heat in semiconductors at nanoscale.


Improving the thermoelectric performance of silicon-based devices using nanofabrication.


Theoretical and experimental studies of surface phonon-polaritons

Ray phononics

In this project, I develop a new concept of heat manipulation based on particle properties of phonons"

Wave phononics

Theoretical and experimental studies of coherent heat conduction in phononic crystals.

Nanowire optics

My PhD project about optical properties of quantum dots is nanowires.


A graphite thermal Tesla valve driven by hydrodynamic phonon transport

We demonstrate the rectification of heat conduction using micrometre-scale Tesla valve with the difference in thermal conductivity between opposite directions at 45 K.

Dimensional crossover in thermal radiation: From three-to two-dimensional heat transfer between metallic membranes

We reveal a dimensional crossover in far-field thermal radiation between subwavelength gold membranes.

Tailoring phonon dispersion of a genetically designed nanophononic metasurface

Using the inverse design approach, we create a two-dimensional phononic metasurface exhibiting a highly anisotropic phonon dispersion.

Harnessing thermal waves for heat pumping

Based on the nonlinear propagation of thermal diffusion waves, we demonstrate the existence of a net heat current even in the absence of a mean temperature gradient.